03 June 2009

Slow Burn

Very effective burn treatment gel.

So I finally got bumped up to 1st class. Unfortunately, it was a result of being scalded by a litre of hot tea...

I'm on the plane to Frankfurt... just had dinner and am dozing while watching an episode of Mad Men. Am reaching that happy airplane sleep state when all of a sudden I feel something bang into my chair arm and hear a crash... then I feel a lot of VERY hot liquid hit my leg and side... I try to leap up but am strapped in so I start to swear LOUDLY: "Me cago en DiĆ³s! Jesus F*&k!! Putaaaaaaa!" I finally get myself free and pull out my shirt while the stewardess does effectively nothing. In fact, she kept serving coffee. Oh, then she gave me some ice, which I applied but after seeing myself in the bathroom mirror with a big red scald mark, I figured something else was in order. I had to ask for the first aid kit to be opened... and only then was I given some burn treatment gel (which works like a charm, by the way). Eventually, a more senior member of the flight crew took over handling my case and whisked me up to first class where I could lie down with my shirt off and apply the gel.

When asked if they could get me anything, I asked that they open a bottle of champagne for my nerves because seriously, the fright of being woken up by boiling liquid was pretty fucking fierce!

Am feeling much better now and there was no blistering, so that's good.

I much preferred having brandy spilled on me like the last time I flew to Europe...



Jennifer Varela said...

holy shit, i laughed so hard at that, i'm sorry.

that's what you get for bragging about the generalitat!

Bob Davidson said...

yes, yes, I figured you would find that amusing...