09 June 2009

El Roure/Roble

Colleen just reminded me that it has been almost 10 years since we have been going to the Roure, the bar in Gràcia that adopted us way back when we were young Cornellians hanging out in Barcelona for the first time as budding Catalanistas... whoa... Tempus fugit.

This place is really something else. Anyone who doubts that a bar or restaurant can be a community centre has never been here. This is where I go if I ever feel lonely in Barcelona and let it be known that Toni and Santi are just plain awesome: always happy to see you and very quick on the cava or the copa or the "otro vaso para la princesa..." : )

Herewith, my impromtu mini Roure photo-essay, minus what Santi said he should do to vet Colleen's boyfriend... ; )


Brad was kind enough to send in these pics from their trip to Barcelona a while back...

Aga, Santi and Silvia

Brad, Santi and Aga

1 comment:

Jennifer Varela said...

yes. i've been there. i've eaten those eats. they be good, cheap eats. as i recall, there is a gelato kiosk nearby...