01 April 2009

Annals of Crime...

Toronto street.

So being back in Toronto has been great... seeing people, rediscovering old haunts, and so on and so on...

One of the things I had forgotten about this city, though, is the really high ratio of "characters" on the TTC during off-peak hours (when I am usually riding, given my, um, flexible schedule...).

A favourite from a couple of years ago was the guy sitting in the aquarium at the back of the streetcar, arms and legs spread while he barked something to this effect into his cell phone:

"I want my f**king money, you f**k! My money! I want my f**king money... I don't care if you have to go into a magical f**king world to get it, if I don't get my money by noon, you're DEAD! F**k! You f**k"

A real charmer...

So the other day I was on the streetcar minding my own business when sketchy dude gets on, all shakes and twitches, and starts talking on his cell phone really loud at the back of the car. Nothing out of the ordinary so far, except then, then, it becomes clear that he is probably planning a robbery. "Yeah, man, c'mon, I need you for like an hour... Yeah, the place is empty... I'll give you your cash right after... yeah, I'm on the streetcar now... yeah, then I'll get in the car and pick you up... yeah, yeah, c'mon man, yeah, Etobicoke..."

Then it was my stop. If my sense of adventure hadn't been at a low ebb (see last 7 months of blog entries for reasons why), I may have followed him for kicks and watched him get caught...

Ah, Toronto, how I've missed you...

1 comment:

suncatcher said...

I *heart* Toronto :D Your entry brings me back.. hehehe.

Oh, what is she doing, reading your blog instead of the rules of civil procedure?