15 August 2010

Some Summer Food

Venison t-bones with a 2003 Bordeaux
Heirloom tomatoes from various friends

Picnic bread at mid-assembly (there are layers of zucchini, mint,
basil and eggplant in there first...

Roasted tomatoes on a second bed of mint, arugula and basil
And then some caramelised shallots to top it off...

I took advantage of a slight reduction in the killer heat that we've been having here in Toronto lately to fire up the charcol barbecue and grill some zucchini and these venison steaks, which sadly represent that last bit of my sister's deer... : (

The picnic bread is a really handy and tasty recipe from Donna Hay's Entertaining -- a cookbook that we bought way back in Guelph (or was it Kingston?). In any event, a fun thing to make and very good to eat!

1 comment:

Jennifer Varela said...

the people of the internet want more. we want more updates and b-more aktion. please and thank you.