05 October 2008

So We Leave Tomorrow...

Packing, packing, packing. And I don't even want to take that much stuff. I figure that I can always pick up cheap clothes along the way that suit the weather and I did leave a bunch of things at the flat in Barcelona...

Kind of nervous - not going to lie.

Tomorrow we fly to Amsterdam and spend a night before heading to Cape Town for 6 days or so. That will be nice: exploring the city and then driving along the Garden Route. It's supposed to be some of the most beautiful wine country in the world. Needless to say, that doesn't scare me...

The part after that, though, is a little more daunting just because I've never done anything like what we have planned. We're going to be travelling around Namibia with Philippe, a friend from Shawinigan, in a Toyota Hilux 4x4. The tents actually set up on top of the truck so that animals and snakes and things can't get at you... So it's going to be lots of desert and driving and camping... and I'm praying that it's not a million degrees out because we all know how extreme heat and I get along... : )

Updates to come...


N. E. Rodriguez said...

remember to pack your pepper spray, just in case u need it when going into the bushes to take a leak, etc...

Jennifer Varela said...

"pepper? i put on my plate!"

Bob Davidson said...

pepper spray or an elephant gun?